„PhotoScan: Taking Glare-Free Pictures of Pictures“

Yesterday, we released an update to PhotoScan, an app for iOS and Android that allows you to digitize photo prints with just a smartphone. One of the key features of PhotoScan is the ability to remove glare from prints, which are often glossy and reflective, as are the plastic album pages or glass-covered picture frames that host them. To create this feature, we developed a unique blend of computer vision and image processing techniques that can carefully align and combine several slightly different pictures of a print to separate the glare from the image underneath.

Google Research Blog


Wer heutzutage analoge Fotos digitalisieren will, beispielsweise mit Google PhotoScan (Laden), besitzt mit einem Smartphone (in den meisten Fällen) bereits den besten Scanner.

(Quelle: iPhoneblog.de)

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